
The Zenobia platform also provides the opportunity to obtain remote work (E-Jobs), as it provides many job opportunities in various fields in the virtual labor market, with good salaries compared to the freelance market, and with an easy and simplified mechanism available to all women wishing to exploit their experience, Within flexible working hours.To ensure a high and satisfactory quality of service for job providers, Zenobia allows the worker to be replaced twice during the first trial month, with an evaluation feature through which the platform’s management follows up on the opinions of job providers for female employees’ services and the extent to which the required quality of work is met.

Work fields:

Customer service
Content writing
Data entry
Graphic design
Digital marketing
E-platform management
Social media site management


  • Gender: female
  • Experience: Required in some specializations.
  • Age: from 18 to 50 years
  • Salary: a minimum of 50$.
  • Employment contracts: agreed upon
  • Trial period: one month

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